Saturday, April 14, 2007

Time for a trail name

A trail name is important because it is how you are identified on the trail for the entire time out there. It usually has a story behind it or tells a little bit about you. I have been called "sausage fingers" in the past due to the fact that my fingers turn into fat sausage-like links! Mmmhmm. I think that is pretty common for hikers to experience, but mine are just ridiculous. I mean, seriously. I have skinny long fingers and they get to the size of a jumbo Oscar Meyer! Not pretty.

Anyhow, the debate now is weather or not one is 'allowed' to give themselves a trail name? I suppose you can't really give yourself a nickname...but a trail name is different. I am going to be known as "insert trail name here" for the next five months. I think it should be something that I agree upon and like. Sausage fingers....not so much.

I have decided upon 'tumbleweed' for my trail name. A long time ago I had a friend call me by this name. He said it was because I am always moving around and never really in one place for too long. I suppose he is right about that. I'll take it!

Now we just need to think of one for my co-hiking partner, Samantha. This could take a while. She is very enthusiastic about this piece of gear that I have that allows for a relaxing um....bathroom break in the woods! Because of this and several other reasons that are not to be spoken of anymore, her trail name should be......(drum roll please).....'poo-slinger!'

In the words of Stooks- "And that's that!"



Jessie said...

I really am proud of you , but I am going to worry about you everyday your out there and I so am going to get on here once a week just to tell ya that I took a shower yesterday or I ate a big fat piece of cake or something in that nature so you know what your missing .... By the way I think your trail name should be SLAP A HOE ! ! Cause ya know if someone messes with you , you'll of course slap a hoe (it sounds more better than tumbleweed) I know what thats for ! ! LMAO .. Well I gotta go eat a bagel ! ! Talk to ya when ya get home .... LUV ya SLAP A HOES cuz-O , Jessie

Andrew said...

Yo Tumbly, I thought about your trek while I was in The Great Smokey's National Park hiking around this May. We crossed the Appalachian trail and I had to take a few steps on it so I could empathize with your goal. That will be quite an achievement come October. I wish you the best of luck on your adventure. Look for gemstones in the NC mountains, I found a bunch. See ya, come wintertime, Andrew