Monday, April 9, 2007

The simple (expensive) life of the thru-hiker

One might think that the life of a thru-hiker is pretty simple. Wake up, have some oatmeal, put on your hiking boots, enjoy the scenery, chat with some fellow thru-hikers about how grand life is out on the trail, and hike.....all day, just hike. Well, it should be and I'm banking on WILL be pretty simple, but the preparation for that 'simple life' is nothing but a headache....and expensive.

For the last....we'll say four months I have been seriously planning for the trail. Buying gear, collecting boxes upon boxes for my maildrops, planning out where exactly those boxes are going to be sent, conning...I mean asking someone (thank you Samantha) to send my mail drops, and getting into umm....shape (of some sort). Running is not really the best way to get into thru-hiking shape. My thoughts on that are I am already going to be in some (hopefully not major) pain just getting used to the pack and the why not get into shape at the same time. COMPLETELY miserable for the first couple of weeks.

The simple life is dang expensive too. Imagine, if you will, having to purchase three of the majors-sleeping bag, tent, backpack PLUS all the other stuff that goes along with a long distance hike. Not to mention all of your food for the next five months (bought in bulk). Then the expense of the maildrops. YIKES!

But really, how can I complain? I am going to be out in the wilderness for the next 4.5-5 months. No work, no annoying people in my life (well none that I can't just push off a cliff or something), no worries really. Not too shabby.

Bitchin Gregory Pack- the Deva: $250
New humble abode AKA Mountain Hardware Tent: $109
Incredible sleeping bag that everyone wants to "just touch": $150
Knowing that I will not have to answer any telephone calls, respond to any emails, deal with people in general: priceless

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